Monday, September 8, 2014

Religious summary

What I learned by looking at the three major religions in India.
Hinduism is focused on truth but Hindus believe in a lot of hocus pocus. But strangely I found love in Hinduism. People who come across Hinduism understand peace and love for the universe.
Christianity is focused on love but I found no love among Christians. Their wars are horrific. But I found truth among Christians. They have a scientific mind.
Finally Islam is focused on tolerance and I saw none among Muslims. But strangely I found liberty. The muslims are liberal and all rules are typically imposed.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Stalemate year that was 2014

I realize that the end of 2014 is fast approaching and I have had nothing to blog about.  Its clearly a wasted year so far with more and more people and regions getting dragged in to conflicts shedding more and more blood.  As a  refreshing piece of news comes the upcoming move of  Julian Assange from UK. I say he must go to Australia, fight elections, and change world politics.  These voices of reason need to become actions that will change the world.  Larger than life people who make sense in the din of political lies laced with greed  are there for a purpose. The earth wants another chance at just being happy, may be.